
Friday, 10 April 2015

First aid kit essetials

First aid Kit Essentials

First-Aid Essentials :

Every person needs a well-stocked kit at home can be  enough to hold a wide range of supplies, but don't overstuff them. Stroller kits can be pared down.

Breathing barrier (if a stranger needs to administer CPR)

Tweezers (to remove splinters or ticks)

1% Hydrocortisone cream and calamine lotion (for bites or stings)

Alcohol wipes (to clean scissors and tweezers)

Oral antihistamine (for allergic reactions)

Non-latex gloves (to pull on clean hands when treating a wound)

Acetaminophen or ibuprofen (for pain and fever)

Thermometer (non-mercury, non-glass)

Triple-antibiotic ointment (to prevent infection)

Hand sanitizer (to clean hands in case water and soap aren't available)

Blanket (to prevent heat loss after large burns and to treat for shock)

Bottled water (to rinse wounds if there's no faucet nearby)

Instant cold compress (to control swelling)

Etc. .

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