
Friday, 10 April 2015

First aid for Heart Attack ..

First aid for Sudden Heart Attack

First aid for heart attack:

               First make some air for the person who got heart attack.

               Then go to the person and tell them to don't afraid take a breath.

                Call to Emergency sevices as per your country eg:911, 108, 999, etc.. 

               Try to relax them until the emergency services coming for him.

               If the stroke has heavy attack and he's gone to unconsious take a bottle of water and spill it gently on face.

               Incase if his heart stops beating try it manually by doing CPR

How to do CPR:

            Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is a lifesaving technique useful in many emergencies, including heart attack or near drowning, in which someone's breathing or heartbeat has stopped.

               By giving fresh air to the person and give strokes by your hands on chest as best you fastly push and compressed is better for quickly recovery.

                Fresh air is given by oxygen air mask in the medical kit incase if it not present use your breath by giving curtain pressure to the patient  breath by using your throat.

                It's will give back the persons life and you will be very satisfied . .

                                                      Thank you
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